Troubleshooting Tips for Logging into the Orange Peel

If you’ve received the message below, please try the following steps before submitting a ticket, as it may save you time.

  • Your username should NOT be your Employee ID.
  • Your username should be your first initial immediately followed by your last name. For example, John Doe is jdoe. It is the same username used for:
    • Citrix
    • Your computer (if you have one assigned to you that is not a generic staff login)
    • Office 365 (without the “”)
  • Your password will be the one associated with the username defined above.

If you still encounter an error, please reset your password at and try again. This may take up to an hour for the change to take effect, so if it does not work, please try again after that time. If you are still experiencing issues after this, please contact IT support at x7471 so that a member of our team can further troubleshoot your issue.

Thank you,

DoIT Staff